Yuval Noah Harari Box Set

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Yuval Noah Harari Box Set بقلم Yuval Noah Harari ... A beautiful box set with Yuval Harari's three phenomenal global bestselling titles: Includes: SAPIENS HOMO DEUS 21 LESSONS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY These books are must haves for anyone interested in the history of humanity and the lessons we can learn from the past as we prepare for our future. These books have sold over 30 million copies in 60 languages worldwide and they continue to take the world by storm. Yuval Noah Harari, bestselling historian and philosopher, is considered one of the world's most influential thinkers and pubic intellectuals. He has a PhD from the University of Oxford and now lectures at the department of history, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


Yuval Noah Harari Yuval Noah Harari

يوفال نوح هراري، هو مؤرخ وأستاذ جامعي في قسم التاريخ في الجامعة العبرية في القدس. وهو مؤلف كتاب العاقل: تاريخ مختصر للجنس البشري، وكتاب 21 درسا للقرن الواحد و العشرين. كتاباته تتناول وتفحص مواضيع مهمة كالإرادة الحرة، الوعي وكذا الذكاء.

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