What Are You Doing In My Bed?

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What Are You Doing In My Bed? بقلم David Bedford ... Kip the kitten has nowhere to sleep on a cold winter's night. So he creeps into a house and curls up in a snug, cosy bed. But this bed belongs to someone else. This is a fun-filled story, aimed at 3-6 year olds, perfect for reading aloud.


David Bedford David Bedford

David Bedford has written over 85 children's books in a best-selling career that spans 20 years. David's books are known for their warmth and humour, whether in classic bedtime tales about bears, more boisterous and brightly illustrated books about dinosaurs, or his long-standing fiction series about a football (soccer) team and their adoring fans Professor Gertie, and her greatest invention, the lovable robot Mark 1. David enjoys nothing more than visiting schools to promote reading, tell great stories, coach writing, and share what he knows about being a creative person. For more info about David, including all about when he was a scientist, and what he's up to now.

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