Ultimate Guide To Success

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Ultimate Guide To Success بقلم Julia Seton ... Ultimate Guide To Success Are you wondering why you arent attainting success in spite of working hard and striving for it? Do you often find yourself complaining that luck is against you? Well, its time to change your thinking! "Our thoughts are tools, and the life substance is shaped with these tools." by simply controlling our mind and concentrating on what we want, we can achieve it. This book offers insights and explains how by breathing and concentrating we can make a connection with the divine supply and unlock the immense power that lies within us. It also brings together the twenty methods


Julia Seton Julia Seton

Julia Seton (Sears), the founder of the Church and School of the New Civilization, was an important figure in the development of the New Thought movement from the esoteric- metaphysical point of view, and exercised a considerable influence over Fenwicke and Ernest Holmes, founder of the Religious Science movement.

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