tom gates excellent excuses

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tom gates excellent excuses بقلم Liz Pichon ... No school for two whole weeks leaves Tom with heaps of time for the important things in life. Yeah! He can forget all about lessons and the irritating Marcus Meldrew, and save his energy for good stuff! Stuff like: inventing new ways to annoy his sister Delia. (So many). Band practice for the Dogzombies – rock stars in the making! Watching TV and eating caramel wafers; eating caramel wafers and watching TV. Excellent! But clouds are gathering on the horizon in the form of Tom’s weirdo big sister Delia. And when trouble collides with his brilliant plans, he’ll need all his excellent excuses... Crammed with scribbles, doodles, stories and sniggers, this hysterical journal brings you more manic mayhem from the crazy world of Tom Gates. HA HA HA!


Liz Pichon Liz Pichon

. Pichon says that when she was little, she loved to draw, and her mom said she was very good at making a mess (this is still true today). She kept drawing, went to art school, became a designer and art director at Jive Records, and began to publish children’s books. After its publication in the U.K., The Brilliant World of Tom Gates won several prestigious awards, including the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, the Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize, and the Blue Peter Book Award. L. Pichon lives in Brighton, England, with her family.

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