The Quick And Easy Way To Effective Speaking

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The Quick And Easy Way To Effective Speaking بقلم Dale Carnegie ... This book has 14 chapters of examples and insight into public speeching. The author, who taught public speaking at seminars for 40 years, has learned alot and communicates his ideals well in written form. I really envy those who had a chance to listen to his public speeches. That is the weakest part of this book, which the author admits. It doesn't matter how much you read about speaking, you have to go out and do it, or you can't get better. "Imagine a hero with no name" who would remember him? Well, if you want to use an example with people, give them names, it makes it easier for your audience to relate to them.

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Dale Carnegie Dale Carnegie

ديل كارنيجي ‏؛ كان مؤلف أمريكي ومطور الدروس المشهورة في تحسين الذات ومدير معهد كارنيجي للعلاقات الإنسانية ولد عام 1888 وتوفي عام 1955، بعد أن أصيب بسرطان الدم من نوع لمفومة هودجكين نشـأ ديـل كـارنيجى في أسـرة فـقيرة، وكان الابن الثاني لكـل من جيمس وليم كـارنيجى وأمـاندا إليزابيث هاربيسون

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