The Jungle Book

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The Jungle Book بقلم Rudyard Kipling ... "كسب كبلنج جمهورًا عالميًا كبيرًا من القراء بقصصه التي كتبها للأطفال. وأشهر مجموعاته القصصية ""كتاب الأدغال"" الذي كتبه عام (1894م). ويصف كتاب الغابة مغامرات موجلي، الطفل الهندي الذي يضل طريقه في غابة، ويجد الحماية مع عائلة من الذئاب. وقد جعل كبلنج الغابة تبدو عالمًا سياسيًا واجتماعيًا متكاملاً. كذلك جعل لكل حيوان طريقة مميزة في التفكير والتمثيل. وقد أقلق وجود موكلي وذكاؤه الإنساني جماعة الحيوان، وبعد مرور عدد من السنين عاد ليعيش بين بني البشر. وتجيب حكايات تمامًا هكذا بمنطق غريب الأطوار عن أسئلة مثل: من أين أتى النمر برقطاته؟ وكيف حصل الفيل على خرطومه؟ قصص الكتاب مليئة بالدروس الاخلاقية والعبر . حمله الآن وشاركه مع الأصدقاء."


Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay in India in 1865 to British parents, and brought up by a Portuguese ‘ayah’ (nanny) and an Indian servant, who would entertain him with fabulous stories and Indian nursery rhymes. He was sent back to England when he was seven years old, and lived in a boarding house with a couple who were cruelly strict. Fortunately he returned to India aged sixteen, to work as the assistant editor of a newspaper in Lahore. He began publishing stories and poems and eventually had great success with his book Plain Tales from the Hills. After his marriage Kipling settled in America, and it was here that he wrote The Jungle Book. He then moved with his family to England, where he wrote Just So Stories for his daughter Josephine who later tragically died of pneumonia. Rudyard Kipling was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907 and died on 18 January 1936.

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