Snow Friends

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Snow Friends بقلم Tina Macnaughton، Christina M. Butler ... When Little Bear wakes early from his winter sleep, he has the most wonderful surprise SNOW! Little Bear tumbles and skids and stomps and dances. But snow would be much more fun if he had a friend to play with. So he decides to build a snowman... The Little Tiger Press picture book and CD sets are a great aid to improving reading skills and are perfect for bedtime, for journeys or for listening together. Each picture book is accompanied by a CD featuring a fantastic telling of the story, complete with music and sound effects.


Tina Macnaughton Tina Macnaughton

Tina Macnaughton is a bestselling and award-winning illustrator. Shehas illustrated over 50 books and her books have been published in 41 countries. Born in Edinburgh, she grew up in the south of England where she now currently lives with her husband and daughter. Her illustration training began as a girl when she drew every night in bed on a little chalk board until everything was covered in blue, pink or yellow much to thefrustration of her mother.

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Christina M. Butler Christina M. Butler

Christina M. Butler was born in Scarborough, England. She had an idyllic childhood in the country, where she spent her weekends playing on a farm with the animals. Christina has worked as a nurse and a preschool supervisor, as well as writing a number of children's books.

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