Scaredy Mouse

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Scaredy Mouse بقلم Alan MacDonald، Tim Warnes ... Squeak is a scared mouse, a stay-at-home mouse, until the day he goes out in search of some chocolate cake. But what if he gets lost, or comes face to face with the ginger cat? With a piece of string tied to his tail so that he can find his way home, Squeak sets out into the dark, shadowy hall... All little ones will enjoy this adventurous tale of bravery and winning out against the odds!


Alan MacDonald Alan Macdonald

Alan MacDonald is a children's writer living in Nottingham, England.

Tim Warnes Tim Warnes

Children's author / illustrator Tim Warnes has been creating picture books for over twenty years. He has worked on more than 80 titles, which have been translated into 18 different languages. Tim is married to fellow illustrator, Jane Chapman.

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