My mum has cancer

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My mum has cancer بقلم Nuha Hachache ... Painful is this topic, as such everyone avoids discussing it. Imagine how hard it would be to talk about it with a child, when the person suffering from cancer is his own mother! Contrary to the reader’s expectations, the approach in this book is easy and heart-touching. The story reaches out to children and reveals through their innocence and their parents’ endless patience the possibility to deal with this reality smoothly and simply.


Nuha Hachache Nuha Hachache

Nuha Hachache was an exceptionally generous soul. When she was living with cancer, she decided to use her experience to write a children's book about this topic, as such everyone avoids discussing it. Imagine how hard it would be to talk about it with a child, when the person suffering from cancer is his own mother! Contrary to the reader's expectations, the approach in this book is easy and heart-touching. The story reaches out to children and reveals through their innocence and their parents' endless patience the possibility to deal with this reality smoothly and simply.


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