?Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You

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?Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You بقلم Dr. Seuss ... Oh, the wonderful things Mr. Brown can do! In this "Book of Wonderful Noises," Mr. Brown struts his stuff, as he imitates everything from popping corks to horse feet ("pop pop pop pop" and "klopp klopp klopp," respectively) while inviting everyone to join him in the fun. Young readers who are still learning their sounds and letters will get a wacky workout as they follow along with the very serious-looking, squinty-eyed Mr. Brown. Whether it's eggs frying in a pan or a hippo chewing gum, the skillful Mr. Brown just keeps topping himself, with a "sizzle sizzle" or a "grum grum grum." "Mr. Brown is so smart he can even do this: he can even make a noise like a goldfish kiss!... pip!" As usual, the words and pictures of Dr. Seuss make reading (and making all sorts of funny noises) impossible to resist. Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? will stay fresh through many a giggling reading.


Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss

تيودور سوس جيزل ‏ المشهور بـ دكتور سوس ‏, روائي ورسام كارتون أمريكي ولد عام 2 مارس 1904 في - اشتهر بمؤلفاته ورسومه وخصوصاً كتبه الموجهة للأطفال. بيعت أكثر من 200 مليون نسخة من كتبه، كما تحولت إلى عدد من الأفلام الناجحة مثل «جرينش» و«القطة في القبعة» و«هورتون يسمع من!» و«لوراكس».

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