Cars and Trucks and Things That Go

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Cars and Trucks and Things That Go بقلم Richard Scarry ... Although this book was around when many of today's parents were youngsters, it has remained a steadfast must-have in every toddler's library. For starters, it's a great vocabulary guide that names the many things that go (and some that haven't a prayer of going, but are great fun to imagine anyway). It's also teeming with detail-rich scenes and characters on every page, teaching children the rewards of looking long and closely (such as finding the hidden "Goldbug" in each spread). Along the way it entertains with the silly and slapstick--everything from toothpaste and toothbrush cars to six fire department vehicles that show up to extinguish a ladybug-size fire in a miniature pink convertible. What's most amazing about this book, however, is its longevity. When you purchase it for your fledgling talker, you should consider it an investment. Even 11-, 12-, and 13-year-olds are known to pore over the book nostalgically, cooing at Lowly Worm and eagerly tracking Officer Flossie's book-long chase after that irresponsible, speedster driver in a cowboy hat. (Ages 2 and older) --Gail Hudson


Richard Scarry Richard Scarry

ان ريتشارد ماكلور سكاري مؤلفًا ورسامًا أمريكيًا للأطفال ونشر أكثر من 300 كتاب بإجمالي مبيعات تزيد عن 100 مليون في جميع أنحاء العالم. اشتهر بسلسلة كتبه Best Ever التي تجري بشكل أساسي في بلدة Busytown الخيالية ، "والتي يسكنها [الحيوانات ... مثل] Mr. Frumble و Huckle Cat و Mr. Fixit و Lowly دودة ، وغيرها

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