Best Word Book Ever

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Best Word Book Ever بقلم Richard Scarry ... Words, words, words! They define everything and kids want to define their world. Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever is frankly the best word book ever!!! From the Bear's home to the beach, from the airport to the zoo, verbs, numbers, parts of the body, every oversized spread has hundreds of things to look at, point to, and identify. Pigs, cats, rabbits, and bears, all doing what we do every day—playing with toys, driving fire engines, and experiencing life, just like the avid readers of this classic favorite. In print for fifty years, this book has sold over a half million copies. . . . That's over a billion words learned by children all over the world. Learning has never been more fun!


Richard Scarry Richard Scarry

ان ريتشارد ماكلور سكاري مؤلفًا ورسامًا أمريكيًا للأطفال ونشر أكثر من 300 كتاب بإجمالي مبيعات تزيد عن 100 مليون في جميع أنحاء العالم. اشتهر بسلسلة كتبه Best Ever التي تجري بشكل أساسي في بلدة Busytown الخيالية ، "والتي يسكنها [الحيوانات ... مثل] Mr. Frumble و Huckle Cat و Mr. Fixit و Lowly دودة ، وغيرها

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