أخطاء ارتكبت لكن ليس بواسطتي

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أخطاء ارتكبت لكن ليس بواسطتي بقلم Carol Tavris، Elliot Aronson ... أخطاء ارتكبت لكن ليس بواسطتي : لماذا نبرر المعتقدات الحمقاء والقراراتالسيئة والأفعال المؤذية


Carol Tavris Carol Tavris

American social psychologist and feminist. She has devoted her professional life to writing and lecturing on the contributions of psychological science to the beliefs and practices that guide people's lives and criticizing “psychology,” “biopunk,” and pseudoscience.

Elliot Aronson Elliot Aronson

Elliot Aronson, is an American psychologist. He conducted many experiments on the theory of cognitive dissonance, and created the “Jigsaw” technique, which is a cooperative learning technique to eliminate intolerance and racial discrimination among students and facilitate their learning process.

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