Time to Read: The Emperor of Absurdia

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Time to Read: The Emperor of Absurdia بقلم كريس ريدل. ... Put on your jingle-jangle socks, and prepare for adventure, with a picture book from the Edge Chronicles' Chris Riddell Welcome to Absurdia: a strange and wonderful land where nothing is quite what it seems. Trees are birds, umbrellas are trees, and the sky is thick with snoring fish. Join one small boy as he tumbles out of bed into a crazy dreamland of wardrobe monsters, dragons, and amazing adventure. This gloriously rich and beautiful picture book comes from a uniquely talented artist at the height of his powers. With a story to enchant the youngest reader, and pictures to gasp and pore over whatever your age, it is an extraordinary achievement and one to savor.

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كريس ريدل. كريس ريدل.

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