Time to Read: Our Big Blue Sofa

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Time to Read: Our Big Blue Sofa بقلم Tim Hopgood ... Every day brings a new adventure for Jessy and Tom and their big blue sofa. One day they are underwater explorers on a big blue submarine, the next they are flying high above the clouds in a big blue hot air balloon. Sometimes they travel by big blue taxicab and sometimes they bounce on a big blue trampoline. Then, one day, the big blue sofa breaks! Can a brand new sofa ever be as much fun?

نبذة عن الكاتب

Tim Hopgood Tim Hopgood

Tim Hopgood is an award-winning author and illustrator whose books include My Big Book of Outdoors; What a Wonderful World, a picture-book version of the song made famous by Louis Armstrong; and Love, the Earth by Frances Stickley. Tim Hopgood lives in Yorkshire, England.

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