The Secret Garden for Kids : illustrated Abridged Children Classics English Novel with Review Questi

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The Secret Garden for Kids : illustrated Abridged Children Classics English Novel with Review Questi بقلم فرانسيس هودجسون بيرنت ... The young orphan Mary Lennox has become selfish and spoilt after years of neglect. She is sent to live with her uncle in Yorkshire after her parents’ death. One day, she uncovers a secret garden locked in the manor, and with the help of a robin, she finds its key in the flowerbed. As she explores the house and the dreamlike garden, she comes across many secrets and surprises. Pick up this beautifully illustrated book to join Mary on her journey after witnessing the magical world of the secret garden.

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فرانسيس هودجسون بيرنت فرانسيس هودجسون بيرنت

كاتبةٌ مسرحيةٌ ورِوائيةٌ بريطانية، وُلِدت عامَ ١٨٤٩م في مانشستر بإنجلترا. اشتُهِرتْ بكتابةِ قصصِ الأطفال؛ ومِن أشهرِ أعمالِها: «الحديقةُ السرِّيَّة»، و«الأميرةُ الصَّغِيرة»، و«اللورد فونتلروي الصَّغِير».

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