Smelly Peter: The Great Pea Eater

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Smelly Peter: The Great Pea Eater بقلم Steve Smallman ... "Young Peter Ped was a little bit odd. He ate nothing but peas, fresh or canned. He ate peas for breakfast and brunch, for dinner and lunch 'til he tooted just like a brass band!" Peter loves peas but the peas make him a little smelly. Then one day, Peter turns as green as a pea--and he can't stop tooting! At school his classmates tease him but on the way home some aliens spot Peter, take him to their planet, Krell and declare him King! On the alien planet, Peter is loved for being green and incredibly smelly. The only problem is the planet lacks peas. Peter is slowly turning pink and smelling sweeter so the aliens return Peter back to his home where he decides on a new food to love!

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Steve Smallman Steve Smallman

Steve Smallman has taken up writing his own stories after illustrating children's books for over 30 years. He also teaches illustration and mural-painting workshops in schools. When he's not working, Steve enjoys films, television, gardening and walking in the countryside. Joelle Dreidemy was born in Saint-Avold in France. She gained a diploma in Strasbourg in 2002 and a diploma from the famous Emile Cohl School in Lyon in 2004. Joelle lives and works in Paris, producing illustrations for magazines and children's books.

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