Reading Champion: The Hen Who Cried Fox

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Reading Champion: The Hen Who Cried Fox بقلم A.H. Benjamin ... Hen is bored on the farm. Then she has an idea, and it involes tricking the other animals..but who will have the last laugh? Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.

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A.H. Benjamin A.h. Benjamin

A H Benjamin has been a children's writer since the mid-eighties. He has been published by Andersen Press, O.U.P, Little Tiger Press, Franklin Watts, Q.E.D and many other big publishing houses. He has written 34 books which have sold worldwide with 22 translations including Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Greek and Arabic. His books are very popular in schools and libraries. He currently ranks 345 in the UK PLR. Also some of his work has been adapted for radio, television and theatre.

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