How To Use The Power Of Prayer: A motivational guide to transform your life

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How To Use The Power Of Prayer: A motivational guide to transform your life بقلم جوزيف مورفي ... You can have whatever you desire, all you have to do is ask . . . Do you believe that your prayers are answered? That prayers are packed with a mysterious power that gives you what you ask for? In How to Use the Power of Prayer, Dr. Joseph Murphy claims that no matter how big an obstacle appears, how hopeless things seem to be, all can be solved through a prayer. The book covers a wide range of topics such as how to heal oneself, how to overcome worry and fear, how to have a better future, and a lot more simply by following the steps given and regularly practised, connecting with the divinity within us, and effectively praying.

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جوزيف مورفي جوزيف مورفي

Joseph Murphy was born in Ballydehob, County Cork, Ireland, the son of a private boys' school headmaster and raised a Roman Catholic. He joined the Jesuits.Young Joseph was enrolled in the National School and was a brilliant student. He was encouraged to study for the priesthood and was accepted as a Jesuit seminarian. However, by the time he reached his late teen years, he began to question the Catholic orthodoxy of the Jesuits, and he withdrew from the seminary. Since his goal was to explore new ideas and gain new experiences-a goal he could not pursue in Catholic-dominated Ireland-he left his family to go to America. In his twenties, before being ordained a priest, an experience with healing prayer led him to leave the Jesuits and emigrate to the United States in 1922; he journeyed as a steerage passenger on board the RMS Cedric, sailing from Liverpool, England, to the Port of New York; on the ship's passenger manifest, his occupation was listed as chemist, the British term for pharmacist. He became a professional pharmacist in New York City (having a degree in chemistry by that time). Here he attended the Church of the Healing Christ (part of the Church of Divine Science), where Emmet Fox had become minister in 1931

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