Circus of the Greats

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Circus of the Greats بقلم علي النعمة ... On the surface, the Circus of Dreams travels around the Continent of Eiliron entertaining the people of the seven kingdoms with their frivolity and sleights of hand. But beloved ringmaster and head puppeteer, Master Jeskil, is soon manipulating more than puppet strings when he is drawn into a wicked plot of greed and desire in the kingdom of Corraçao. After years of marriage, the King and Queen of Hearts have no a fact not lost on the King’s first counselor, Vikar Revin, who hears the court’s gossips whispering in the shadows, forming factions of allegiance, and plotting treasonous schemes. At the heart of these conspiracies is the charming and ambitious Roxanna Talian of Feracia who has set her sights on replacing the Queen. In spite of the mounting evidence of malign influences from outside as well as within, Revin is determined to protect Corraçao. With the help of his cousin Jeskil, and some wholly unexpected allies, Revin must find a way to thwart the enemies of the state and preserve whatever he can of the crippled Corraçian monarchy. Magic, love, death, and intrigue beset the kingdom – the effects of which ripple through the generations to come.

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علي النعمة علي النعمة

علي النعمة كاتب نشأ وترعرع في كلٍ من قطر والمملكة المتحدة. وشق طريقه في عالم الكتابة منذ الصغر، حاذيًا حذو جدِّه عبد الله حسين النعمة، مؤسس مجلة "العروبة" أولى المجلات القطرية، وصحيفة "العرب" أيضًا.

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