The Magical Snow Garden

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The Magical Snow Garden بقلم Jane Chapman ... Far away, where snowflakes twinkle like stars, Wellington penguin dreams of growing a garden. "Impossible!" say his friends. "You can't grow a garden in the snow." But Wellington is determined to create something truly magical...Snuggle up and share this heart-warming picture book about refusing to give up on a dream. Written by Tracey Corderoy (Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam) and with enchanting illustrations from Jane Chapman (The Little White Owl), The Magical Snow Garden is a must for any child's Christmas stocking.

نبذة عن الكاتب

Jane Chapman Jane Chapman

Jane Chapman graduated from college with a first class honors degree in illustration. She is an award-winning illustrator who works under the name Jane Chapman and under the pseudonym Jack Tickle. She has illustrated more than 75 titles and is best known for her illustrations in Karma Wilson's Bear books including Bear Snores On and Bear Says Thanks.

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