Hold On To Your Kids

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Hold On To Your Kids بقلم د. جوردون نيوفيلد ... Children take their lead from their being ‘cool’ matters more than anything else. Shaping values, identity and codes of behaviour, peer groups are often far more influential than parents.But this situation is far from natural, and it can be dangerous – it undermines family cohesion, interferes with healthy development, and fosters a hostile and sexualized youth culture. Children end up becoming conformist, anxious and alienated.In Hold on to Your Kids, acclaimed physician and bestselling author Gabor Maté joins forces with Gordon Neufeld, a psychologist with a reputation for penetrating to the heart of complex parenting. Together they pinpoint the causes of this breakdown and offer practical advice on how to ‘reattach’ to sons and daughters, establish the hierarchy at home, make children feel safe and understood, and earn back your children's loyalty and love. This updated edition also addresses the unprecedented parenting challenges posed by the rise of digital devices and social media.By helping to reawaken our instincts, Maté and Neufeld empower parents to be what nature a true source of contact, security and warmth for their children

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د. جوردون نيوفيلد د. جوردون نيوفيلد

هو عالم نفس إكلينيكي في فانكوفر، اشتهر عالميًّا كأهم خبير في مجال نمو الأطفال. يقدم معهد «نيوفيلد» الخاص به العديد من الدورات التي أنشأها للآباء والمعلمين ولمساعدة المختصين في عدة قارات. وهو معروف بقدرته الفريدة على فك ألغاز المشكلات المعقدة المتعلقة بتربية الأطفال وتعليمهم.

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